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We’d like to make sure that your contact submission/feedback is directed to the appropriate team at muster.mohandes-ins.com. Please read through the following carefully before submitting below:
1) We’re a design magazine — we DO NOT sell anything. Therefore, if you’d like to buy a product, please read the article careful. Most of the time we have links to designers, architects, or websites where the product can be bought from.
2) If you send a project for review make sure you’re sending high-res images — we will resize, and edit them; the bigger, the better. One other thing you should consider when submitting stuff to muster.mohandes-ins.com is that what you want us lay our eyes on, is interesting, functional, or simply beautiful. Also, make sure you send us descriptions for your projects, so that we can give details to our readers. If you would like to submit pictures, please see the “Submit Pictures to muster.mohandes-ins.com” page that has more details.
3) We can only address issues related to muster.mohandes-ins.com and https://muster.mohandes-ins.com. We are not affiliated with the sites we write about.
4) For more information on advertising, please see our Advertising Information Page first.
5) If you would like to use the muster.mohandes-ins.com Logo or any content on your site, please contact us via one of the provided email below.
Please be as detailed as possible.
We try to respond to all support requests within 24-48 hours.